Beware: June is the Start of Hurricane Season!
Hurricane season is here and while there are no impending threats currently in the ocean, it’s never too early to prepare. We have seen storms of all shapes and sizes leave us powerless, and if what the forecasters are saying is true, we have a good chance of running into some trouble this year.
The Worst Hurricanes in American History (In Terms of Damage Costs)
- Hurricane Katrina- This 2005 Category 5 Hurricane ravaged the Gulf Coast and left some ruins that were never going to be repaired. When all was said and done, the storm costed hundreds of American lives and $108 billion dollars in damage.
- Hurricane Sandy- This 2012 Category 1-3 Hurricane destroyed cities all throughout the east coast and wound up costing $75 billion dollars in damages. We all remember where we were when Sandy set her sights on our cities.
- Hurricane Ike- In 2008, this Category 4 storm made landfall in Texas and Louisiana and much like Katrina, it was a storm fueled by the warm gulf. Ike wound up coming with a $37.5 billion dollar price tag.
- Hurricane Wilma- In 2005, another Category 5 Hurricane was barreling towards Florida and the people were on high alert. Wilma wound up not being a direct hit, but it still was powerful enough to cost nearly $30 billion dollars in damages.
2017 Hurricane Season
We all know weather people are paid to make educated guesses, but U.S forecasters are predicting an above average hurricane season this year. By the time the late fall rolls around, they’re predicting that 11-17 Atlantic storms will form, with 9 of them being hurricanes. The reason they cite for the spike is the absence of El Nino, which is an ocean trend that helps reduce the likelihood of Atlantic hurricanes. What we really have to be on the lookout for are the 2-4 storms they are saying could be ‘major,’ which means Category 3 or higher.
Hurricane Safety Tips
- People can lose power for a day, a week, or sometimes a few weeks if the storm is powerful enough (Sandy for example). Make sure your generator has been serviced and has been exercising.
- Make sure you have multiple coolers filled with ice to keep food from spoiling in the event of a power outage.
- You should stock up on extra batteries and see if you can dig up an old transistor radio to stay informed.
- If an evacuation is issued, don’t be a hero. You can’t afford to gamble with your life and the lives of your family members.
- Secure insurance information, take pictures of your home and move valuables to a place where they are safe from flood damage.
Get a FREE Generator Consultation
We don’t have the power to stop the storms, and we certainly don’t want the responsibility of predicting them, but we can help you deal with them. Here at Cannondale Generators Inc, we provide an entire line of generators to meet your needs in emergency situations.
To schedule a generator consultation, call Cannondale at 203-762-2608 or click around on our website!