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What Could Happen Without Reliable Emergency Power?

When you own a home, you never want to leave anything up to chance. Well, what if this happens or what if that goes wrong? You don’t want to be the ‘what if’ type of family, you want to be the ones who are prepared for any situation. Here is what could happen if you’re not prepared when the power gives out on you.

4 Things That Could Happen without Emergency Power

1. Food Spoilage

According to the U.S FDA, perishable food items like meats, dairy, eggs and things of that nature can be kept at room temperature for NO MORE than two hours. And their golden rule is; when in doubt, throw it out! So if you’re left without a generator when the power gives out, you better have a heck of a lot of ice on deck to keep your food fresh!

2.Lose Out on Information

A reliable backup generator can keep at least one television set in your home on to keep up with news and information. There’s nothing worse than being caught in a bad storm blind. While a lot of what the news gives us is overhyped, there is still important updates on evacuations and storm tracking that we want to stay on top of. It’s also a great way to bring the family together for a movie day or something of that nature.

3. Unbearable Temperatures

Whether it be a blizzard or a hurricane that knocks out your power, the temperatures after the storm can be a problem, especially without heat or A/C. A backup generator can power a space heater, fans, air conditioners and it can keep you comfortable in the hours following the power outage. Being in the dark is bad, but being in the very hot or very cold dark is even worse.

4. Stay With Your Favorite Neighbors…

Your neighbors family decided that it was a good idea to sign on with Cannondale and install a backup generator before hurricane season struck. You are without power and you look over to see them enjoying a nice, comfortable, lit up home and you start to consider asking for some help. But then you remember how weird your neighbor is and you start to second guess yourself. Do you deal with the annoying conversation to get some T.V and A/C? Or do you just stick it out in your powerless home? All of these decisions could be avoided if you get your own backup generator.

Get Reliable Power with a Backup Generator

It’s not too late to get your backup generator installed for the rest of hurricane season. Most storms won’t strike until late in August or early in the fall so you have enough time to get to a phone and schedule consultation.

To set up a generator installation appointment, call 203-762-2608 or click around on our website!

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