Generators 101
Homeowners thinking about investing in a standby generator have many questions. For example, what is a generator? What types are available? Which size do I need?
The experts at Cannondale Generators are here to offer a bit of professional insight. Here is some of the basic information you need to know when it comes to generators…
What is a generator?
“Generator” is the general name given to a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generators are used by homeowners across the country to protect their power supply from severe storms and blackouts. Depending on its size, a generator can be used to power anything from a television to an entire home.
The two main types of generators
There are two main types of generators – portable and standby:
Portable generators
Portable generators are smaller units that can power a few devices at a time. They are best used for tailgates and camping, however they can be used at home during severe weather. These generators generally need to be refueled every few hours.
Standby generators
Standby generators are a more permanent solution, designed to run for extended periods of time. These models can detect power outages, and automatically power on within seconds to provide your home with energy. Since they connect directly to your gas line, they never need to be refilled and can power all of your appliances, lights, and electronics.
Generator wattage
Generators are rated by the amount of power they can produce, which is measured in watts (or kilowatts). There are two kinds of watts: running and starting. Running watts is the amount of energy needed to continuously power items. Starting watts are the extra watts needed within the first few seconds to power larger devices such as a refrigerator.
Purchasing and installing a generator for your home
It is essential to purchase a standby generator that is properly sized for your home. A professional generator contractor can determine your wattage requirements, obtain the proper permits from your town, and safely connect your new generator to your gas line and electrical panel.
Residents of Fairfield County CT, Litchfield County CT, and Westchester County NY can count on Cannondale Generators for all of their power protection needs. Visit our website to learn about our services, or give us a call at (203) 762-2608 to get started with a free consultation.