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How to Prepare Your Home for a Hurricane

Hurricane on the horizon? Don’t panic – just follow these preparation tips from the experts at Cannondale Generators

Stock Up on Food and Water

Food and water are essential for human life – you don’t want to be left short-handed in the event of a hurricane. For precautionary measures, make sure there is enough nonperishable food to feed each family member for up to three days. Gallons of water also come in handy – besides being used for drinking, stocking your fridge with them can help keep it cold in the event of a power outage.

Secure Loose Items

Don’t let loose items in your yard – such as lawn furniture or garbage bins – get blown away in the hurricane’s heavy winds. Store them in your garage or shed, and trim the trees around your yard to make them more wind-resistant.

Reinforce Your Windows

Windows have been known to shatter when placed under the extreme force of hurricanes. The last thing you want is shards of glass flying throughout your home. Reinforce your home’s windows with plywood, or install specially-designed storm shutters.

Check On Your Standby Generator

Prepare for a power outage by checking on your standby generator. Take a look and make sure the spark plugs are well-connected, and the battery is sufficiently charged. You will also want to have a sufficient supply of oil and filters on hand in case of an extended blackout.

Don’t Have A Standby Generator?

Standby generators make life easy during hurricane season by automatically detecting power outages and supplying your home with the energy it needs to keep running. Don’t have a standby generator? Call the experts at Cannondale Generators at (203) 762-2608.

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